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Easter Family Retreat  6.4.-10.4.2023
Harmony in the Family

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Application deadline:  26.3.2023
Fill in the application form. 

Enjoy a long weekend in beautiful Swedish nature to relax, spend time with your family, make new friends and learn how to increase harmony in your family. The voluntary program for adults includes hands-on sessions by self-employed therapists and counsellors, discussion groups and sauna. Babysitting, activities and lessons for the children will be provided as well as food and accommodation.


The retreat is aimed at parents and grandparents of young children, but

everyone is welcome, with or without family. We wish to create a safe space

for all participants and are independent of other institutions or religions.



  • Adult: 740SEK / 700NOK

  • Child (age 1-18): 370SEK / 350NOK

Please pay in advance to 

  • Kvinneforum for verdensfred. Address: Colbjørnsensgate 8c, 0258 Oslo

  • IBAN: NO61 1624 2009 324

  • BIC: DNBANOKKXXX. Bank address: DNB, Postboks 1600 Sentrum, 0021 Oslo

Or contact us to Vipps from a norwegian bank account . 


Travel: Arrival before 6.4. 17.30pm, departure after 10.4. 9am

  • Airplane: fly to airport Arlanda Stockholm and take the bus to Västerås.

    • We recommend booking flights through Wonse:, +49-(0)69-240015-0

  • Train: to Kopparberg or Västerås
    We can pick you up for 80SEK (Kopparberg) or 250SEK
    (Västerås) per person. Please keep us updated on your travel information: 

  • Car: Furulidsvägen 5, 714 91 Kopparberg, Sverige


Please bring:

  • Indoor shoes

  • Towels and toiletries (we provide shampoo and body soap)

  • Adults: Swimming suit and towel for sauna

  • Warm clothes for activities inside and outside

  • pillow case

  • Sleeping bag OR bed sheet and blanket cover (80cmx200cm) OR additional 100SEK

Kloten 2019.JPG
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There are 3 options for accommodation. a) Main building: There are two main bedrooms, one for men+kids and one for women+kids. The first 25 applicants will be guaranteed a bed, the next 25 applicants might have to sleep on a mattress. You can also b) bring your own tent to the main building or c) rent a nearby cabin. Cabins are rented and paid directly by the participant through e.g. Kloten Nature Resort


We would like to stress again that this family retreat is independent of organisations other than WFWP Norway and Sweden and all personal information will be kept confidential. Our report for WFWP channels will contain only general information, photos and feedback by participants who clearly agree to being quoted. If you don’t want your photos to be published, you can state that in the application form.


Games and babysitting will be provided parallel to the program. No part of the schedule is mandatory and the participants can freely and spontaneously choose between the schedule for adults, kids activities, private sessions with counsellors/therapists or free time.

Session leaders 

Each therapist will lead 2-3 group sessions with hands-on activities, teaching you methods to increase harmony in your family. In addition you can approach them during the workshop and find out possibilities for private counselling during and/or after the family retreat. All of them offer a free try out session and are also available over video call after the retreat. 


Margoth Kalstad

Margoth has a BA in Journalism and worked as an editor for 15 years, before taking a degree

in Gestalt therapy. She is also trained in Non-violent Communications, a method helpful to

use in couple’s and family work. Beside working with couple and family, she works with

individuals of all generations. She has 14 years of experiences as a psychotherapist, including helping people with building good relationships, learn to handel acceptance, grief, losses, suicide preventions, depressions, relational and behavioural issues.

Gestalt” means whole and based on theory that people need to be viewed as a whole (mind, body, and soul) and that we understand ourselves best when viewing in the present.  Instead of talking about past situations, clients are encouraged to look at in what way the past situation is affecting their present life and how to deal with it. From 2022 she holds a master’s degree in pastoral care from the university of theology, Oslo.


Zoom: Margoth Tove Kalstad

Whatsapp: 00 47 90195386

Signal: 00 47 90195386


Vigdis Parkins

During the last 40 years, Vigdis has researched and explored from many different angles the power of the mind and what prevents us living the life we really want to live. The purpose and goal of her course series is to provide a way for you to work yourself through all the obstacles in your life right now and get in touch with who you really are deep inside. Vigdis Parkins retired at the end of January 2022 from her professional work in accounting and marketing but will keep her course and seminar business going. 


The impact of imagination on your life.

Does the life you are living resemble who you really are? Ask yourself; Do I live my life just responding to circumstances or do I make conscious plans and choices. This presentation teaches you about the role imagination plays in your daily life, the nature of energy, and how you, by using your power of imagination create a certain frequency and vibration of energy which in turn forms your life and who you are.


Why your goals and dreams don't happen.

You start doubting yourself and feel uneasy and overwhelmed. The many exercises in this presentation about goals and dreams are tailored to help remove the concepts, resistances and fears you might have, even unconsciously, that stop you from reaching and manifesting your goal. 


How to empower your life and make positive changes.

We use NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), which is the study of how our minds work, how we interact with it and how it results in certain behaviors to empower your life and make the changes you want.



Liliana Veloso Karlsson

Liliana was born in Argentina, and has been living in Sweden for the past 30 years. Originally a teacher and a translator, she’s been practicing Energy Healing for more than 9 years. After attending seminars and courses she graduated with a certificate as an Emotion Code Practitioner. She uses The Emotion Code, the Body Code System, the Original Energy Code and Affirmations. Through these methods she has seen post-traumatic energies, intolerances, inflammations, depression, fears, hopelessness, panic, etc. disappear.


The Emotion Code and Body Code System are energy healing techniques that help to identify and release the underlying causes of different imbalances in the physical, emotional, mental and in the spiritual body. Once it is free from those blocking energies that were affecting its normal functions, it recovers.

Healing sessions are done in person or through calls, with complete confidentiality.

Phone: +46 76051 6477 (Chats: Signal; Telegram; Whatsapp)

Email address:

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