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Fotobok om KFVF EU


Vårt norske KFVF medlem Vigdis Parkins lagde en fotobok i oppdrag av vår europeiske KFVF leder Carolyn Handschin. Fotoboken gir et innblikk av KFVF i de forskjellige landene i Europa og skulle først og fremst være en gave til KFVF's grunnlegger, Hak Ja Han Moon. Moon besøkte Europa i Wien og holdt en tale til over 10.000 mennesker søndag 29.5.

Tirsdagen etter var Carolyn invitert til frokost med Moon, som av mange blir kalt Sanne Mor. Der kunne Carolyn presentere boken direkte. Moon virket glad for å ta imot et vitnesbyd om investeringene som KFVF i Europa har gjort.

I Carolyns egne ord:

"With Dr. Otsuka's help holding it, I could turn a few pages and see her intent and slightly smiling face. I said that this represents only 2 years of WFWP work and that everyone was working so hard to prepare for her visit and sorry others couldn't be here to give it to her. It is hard to know how much or how little to say in such a situation, but I continued for a few more minutes .. I explained that I had come to Vienna to work with our WFWP UN team to meet governments and UN to bring to meet her- and had time to go out with the 2nd gen mobilization teams. I told her how I was so moved by their way of speaking about TM. The first thing they mentioned when they spoke to the people they met was about TM's deep love and concern for youth and educating them. I said I could see how powerful that was and how I'd learned from them.

I continued saying that we are trying very hard to support her new programs for Parliamentarians and religious leaders, and partnering closely with UPF to do that. She was slightly nodding. I said that we had our own program to help ensure as many as possible of our VIP's could come to the main event. We had our session on family values and a luncheon that also many VIP's including ambassadors, mission representatives, and other leaders came to.

And finally, I said that because we heard what she had said in Senegal about not just being content with a good event, but how to "keep the attention of the leaders", we had already at the luncheon made a plan with some of the women ambassadors and wives of ambassadors to meet in 2 weeks during the UN meeting on Crime Prevention, just after our WFWP side event, to see how we can work together. I stopped there and said again, "thank you!".

TM said something several times while I was speaking, but I couldn't catch it. Dr. Otsuka did say to me afterward that Mother said at the end, "good, keep going forward"."

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Unknown member
Oct 25, 2020

Jeg fulgte anmeldelsene til <a href=""> fotobok eksperten</a> og valgte smartphoto da jeg skulle lage meg en fotobok, synes de fungerte ganske bra :)

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