On Friday, March 6th, WFWP Norway celebrated International Women's Day with a conference held in the Furuset Library and Activity Center. The theme of the conference was I Want To Work!: Immigrant Women's Real Opportunities in Working Life. The event was a collaboration between three non-profit organizations (including WFWP) and the library itself.
There were panel discussions held by politicians representing three different political parties and members of the non-profit organization LIN (Equality, Inclusion, and Network) which works for the equality and inclusion of minorities. Johanna Toresen, representing WFWP Norway, presented our work supporting women both locally and abroad. RISAF (Resource and Integration Center for Afghani Immigrants in Norway) also gave a short presentation of their work supporting immigrant women. The multicultural band, Oslo Divan Band, performed a blend of Norwegian and Kurdish music for us. About 100 people attended.
Text and pictures: Marea Toresen